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TEND (Texas Emergency Network Diversion) Court

Giving Our Youth Alternative Options

TEND (Texas Emergency Network Diversion) Court is a youth-centered specialty court aimed at identifying minors who are being, or at risk of being, exploited. At present, youth aged 10 to 17 who are in the Child Protection Court (CPC) of Judge Selina Mireles are being served through TEND Court’s tailored support and network services.


TEND Court strives to support our foster youth in:

1.     achieving improved protective capacity;

2.     morale stabilization;

3.     improved adherence to treatment services;

4.     addressing crisis and current needs;

5.     bridging gaps in service; and,

6.     strengthening youth skills.


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Tending to YOUTH
& Recognizing THEIR Achievements


TEND COURT will tend to minors in a safe environment to provide them with a successful self-sufficient recovery as they form and establish healthy relationships. WE WILL TEND to minors so that they make healthy life choice decisions.

The TEND Court plants positive seeds, hope, and meets each youth at the level they are at…

               (Reply from a TEND Court youth) … “and it’s up to us to water the seed” …

The TEND Court understands the importance of continually redirecting the youth in a positive, and respectful way.

As the TEND Court’s goal is also to build trust, encourage the youth, nurturing their goals, dreams, and wishes, while they discover their new journey and establish self-sufficiency levels.

tend court Boy Checking his Phone
tend court Siblings
tend court Kids Playing Volleyball
tend court Teenager Portrait


  • PROTECT youth who are victims or potential victims of exploitation;

  • PROVIDE trauma-informed care services to exploited survivors to help them recover and heal; increase their self-confidence, promote self-efficacy and divert them from continued or threatened risk of exploitation of youth;

  • INCREASE community awareness and response to exploitation of youth;

  • PROMOTE justice for survivors; &

  • PROVIDE effective and objective research evaluation


tend court Judge Selina L. Mireles

Judge Selina L. Mireles 

webb county seal

Child Protection Court
4th and 5th Administrative Judicial Regions

The Honorable Selina L. Mireles is the Associate Judge of the Child Protection Court for Webb, Zapata, Duval and Jim Hogg counties. She presides over the Webb County Family Drug Treatment Court for parties who have pending child protection cases. In addition, she presides over the Laredo/Webb County Texas Emergency Network Diversion (TEND) Court for youth in foster care.

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